photo of two bootcamp class members jumping onto blocks and doing a squat

Do you want a fun and action-packed workout that’s really effective? Try our Boot Camp!

Boot camps is classic military-style training that is not only really effective, BUT REALLY FUN WHEN YOU ARE DOING IT WITH K1SPORT! Think military-style training is not for everyone? Think again! K1Sport Boot camps are for any fitness level, men and women, boys and girls.

Basic boot-camp exercises provide an amazing full-body workout that uses all the major muscle groups and offers a butt-kicking aerobic and anaerobic workout, and it is very effective! As you train hard and feel like you can’t go any further, you can draw inspiration and energy from the encouraging group environment and buzzing atmosphere to get you over the line. Also with the professional instructor at K1Sport looking after you it is interesting, fun and safe.

Importantly, the exercises themselves are generally simple and functional. They are both upper-body and lower-body focused with to challenge both men and womens weaknesses. This makes the workout quite levelling, so if you’re a woman worrying about whether you can keep up, don’t. You’ll be just fine. The energy of boot-camp training is intense, but it’s also supportive and just sufficiently humorous to make sure you have a good time. K1Sport offers Boot Camp training for adults, children, school groups, corporate and other groups. It’s great for team bonding! Organise your own group, or join an existing one now!

Let’s get started!

Enquire now using the below form, or call our Director and head trainer Kaywan on 0477 777 077.