What is REAL fitness?

two men relaxing on the gym floor tired after strength training fist bump each other
17 Apr

If you can run around the school oval without getting too puffed, does that mean you are fit? Exactly what does fitness involve? Well, FITNESS means more than just being able to run without stopping to catch your breath. Fitness means getting all parts of your body in great working order so you can study, work and play as much as you want and still have energy to spare – that is REAL FITNESS.

FITNESS means your heart, lungs, circulation and muscles are all healthy and strong. Importantly, being fit means you can do things you can’t do if you’re unfit!

Fitness is NOT about image, it’s NOT about the shape of your body, it’s NOT about how good you look OR it’s NOT about the size of clothing you wear.

Fitness IS about being able to keep a healthy, balanced lifestyle and live a healthy life. It means different things at different stages of life, for example, for a mature person fitness can mean being able to get down on the floor and play with grand kids then being able to get back up!

What’s the best way to get fit?

WORKING up a sweat at the gym is the second most popular fitness activity for Australians – behind walking. It’s a popular form of activity where you can network, socialise and meet people from all walks of life! IT’S A FUN WAY TO KEEP FIT AND HEALTHY!

But to really reach your fitness potential, you need a broader range of activities than what the gym and walking offers you. Get in touch with K1Sports and let us know what fitness goals you want to achieve and we’ll get back to you with what classes and/or training we can offer you to make sure you reach your goals and fulfil your fitness potential.

Enquire now about K1Sports Fitness Training classes.

Get in touch via the form below or call on 0477 777 077.